Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine2018-09-17T12:58:21+00:00

Traditional Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture, moxibustion, phytotherapic pharmacology, cupping, Chinese massage (Tuina), osteo-articular mobilization (Qi Gong and Tai Ji Quan) and dietetics.

All of them can be used either separately or combined, with a synergic effect.


It is a therapeutic practice which is typical of TCM and is part of external techniques.

It can be used in combination with massage and acupuncture, or as separate treatment.

Moxa is an English term deriving from the Japanese words Moe and Kusa, which respectively mean burn and herb, so burning herb.The herb in question is the Artemisia Vulgaris, which is ground up to a fluff or processed into a cigar-shaped stick.

The heat therapy consists in burning moxa close to particular points of the body in order to warm the skin and invigorate the meridian system.

It is used to strengthen acupuncture effects or as separate therapy especially in the case of chronic problems due to cold and dampness.


For millennia TCM has cured a great number of illnesses with herbs: pills, infusions, compresses … all of them made from herbs tested over years and years of clinical practice and currently submitted to rigorous controls as to the content of pesticides, fungicides, heavy metals and radioactivity.

Phytotherapic pharmacology operates from the interior, focussing on the root of problems rather than on exterior symptoms.

It is widely employed in chronic diseases.


It consists in the application of glass, bamboo or ceramic cups on the skin.

The cups are placed so as to create a vacuum inside, very often by using fire.

This therapy helps to ease the tension due to painful muscular disease by relaxing the muscular system and reducing inflammation.

It is often combined with acupuncture.


Chinese ideograms Tui and Na mean push and grasp.

Tuina is an ancient Chinese massage therapy, which can be used either separately or in combination with other techniques.

The idea behind Tuina is to bring body and mind into balance by positively stimulating the energy flow of the meridians so as to reach psychophysical well-being.

It is widely used with children, with excellent feedback.


This definition covers forms of physical training and mobilization deriving from ancient Martial arts.

They focus on breathing  and on our interior energy (qi). The regular practice of these activities allows to maintain a good osteo-articular mobility, prevents stiffness specially in the elderly and in particular the Qi Gong helps to recover psychic well-being and interior energy.


“Before treats with diet, only if doesn’t work, then use the medicines” Sun Simiao 581-682 A.C. QianJin Yaofang.

T.C.M. considers food very important and sometimes dietetics is used as first solution to treats a lot of deseases.

The foods are seen in their essence and chinese doctors for millennia have studied the impact that every food has on our organism.